What marihuana teaches us about drug discovery

What marihuana teaches us about drug discovery

There was one clear star at the American Epilepsy Society Annual meeting this year, Epidiolex (cannabidiol). Yet four years ago no one would have thought that the cannabis-derived drug would take over the field of epilepsy in such a big way.

How close are we to creating transgenic people?

How close are we to creating transgenic people?

The journal Nature just released one of the most anticipated breaking news of the last few years: CRISPR gene editing has been tested in a person for the first time.  In my day-to-day work I interact with families that have a child with a genetic disease. I get one question a lot: how close are we to turn that discovery into a therapy for people with genetic diseases? 


You are unique, and medicine knows it

You are unique, and medicine knows it

When a doctor prescribes you a medication you will be in one out of four groups of patients: 1) you might have experience and no side effects, 2) you might experience efficacy with side effects, 3) you might not have efficacy nor side effects, or ...

Impatient patients

Impatient patients

One day I sent an e-mail that changed my life. During my training as a scientist, I had learned how to study what goes wrong with the brain and to research how we could fix it. Then one day I sent an e-mail to a patient.